Radio Navigation Warnings
We act as the NAVAREA I (NE Atlantic) Coordinator for the International Maritime Organisation (IMO) and International Hydrographic Organization (IHO) Worldwide Navigational Warning Service (WWNWS) and also as the United Kingdom National Coordinator for issuing coastal navigational warnings.
Whilst the UKHO will attempt to keep this site up-to-date by adding and cancelling navigational warnings in real time, for reasons beyond its control, this may not always be possible.
The approved method of receiving Maritime Safety Information (MSI) is via the appropriate IMO, Global Maritime Distress and Safety System (GMDSS) broadcast systems as defined by the WWNWS.
The displayed NAVAREA 1 and UK Coastal Warnings (WZs) were in force at: 081712 UTC Feb 25
Important Safety Notice
The provision of navigational warnings on this website is not intended to be a substitute for, or an alternative to, the International Enhanced Group Call (EGC) Services or the International NAVTEX service, and does not relieve Masters/Captains of their responsibility to monitor MSI broadcasts in accordance with the provisions of SOLAS.
Many warnings are of a temporary nature, but others may remain in force for several weeks and may be superseded by Notices to Mariners.
The IHO WWNWS-SC web page allows direct access to all the NAVAREA Coordinators around the world who have made their NAVAREA warnings available on the web. You can visit Navigation warnings on the Web at the IHO WWNWS-SC web page.
Contact Radio Navigation Warnings by email at or telephone +44(0)1823353448.